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9 Unusual Symbols Hidden in U.S. Landmarks That Will Blow Your Mind

symbols hidden in U.S. landmarks
Photo by rarrarorro from Shutterstock

6. Axe head and broken chains at the feet of Lady Liberty

Another two major symbols hidden in U.S. landmarks are the ones that belong to the Statue of Liberty. The axe head and broken chains at the feet of the statue represent the end of oppression and tyranny, and the beginning of a new era with complete freedom.

According to experts, the broken chains are a replacement for the shattered jug, which was formerly a “symbol of enslavement now ended” and frequently accompanied images of Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberation. To view the chains and axe head, you must gaze down at Lady Liberty’s 35-foot-long sandals. However, we advise you not to do that if you are afraid of heights!

It’s also interesting to point out that the statue gives the illusion of motion because her right foot is raised off the ground. She is somehow moving away from the shackles and away from her captors. You must admit that this is one of the loveliest symbols hidden in U.S. landmarks.

5. The Kilroy cartoon is displayed in two places at the World War II Memorial

Raise your hands if you already know about Kilroy! If you passed at least once near the WWII Memorial in Washington, you probably noticed the cartoons on the walls behind two golden gates, one by the Delaware Pillar and the other by the Pennsylvania Pillar.

But what’s the hidden message of this graffiti? This was the universal sign of the U.S. troops that indicated they’d been around the area.

The National Park Service claims that perhaps it comes from a British cartoon and the name of an American shipyard inspector. There are also some other myths involving it, many of which center on the German assumption that Kilroy was some kind of superspy who could go anywhere he pleased.

What do you know about this funny cartoon? Tell us in the comments!

Are you curious to discover other symbols hidden in U.S. landmarks that we haven’t added to this list? You’re in the right place, because here at Historical Files, we are always eager to help our readers learn new things about our country! Check out this amazing visual encyclopedia of American landmarks, available on Amazon for only $14.20 for the paperback edition.


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