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9 Unusual Symbols Hidden in U.S. Landmarks That Will Blow Your Mind

symbols hidden in U.S. landmarks
Photo by photocreo from Envato Elements

9. White House’s Hidden Roses

Everybody can admit that the White House is one of the most beautiful buildings in the entire world. And while you may think, as a citizen, you might know everything about it, we are here to say otherwise.

One of the first symbols hidden in U.S. landmarks belongs to the White House, carved right in the columns. From a distance, these details can be easily overlooked, but at close range, they are very visible.

They make a lovely complement to the White House Rose Garden on the west side of the structure and provide a pleasing contrast to the acanthus often found on classical columns. But what’s the symbol behind roses? Roses are frequently connected with rebirth in brickwork, making them a fitting emblem for a house with constantly shifting occupants.

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