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8 Shocking Things Donald Trump Did (and We Can’t Get Over)

Donald Trump
Photo by Evan El-Amin from

3. The moment he wrote off Russian meddling in the election

Since his victory in 2016 brought him to power, Trump has been preoccupied with concerns about Russia. Believe it or not, analyses of the data collected after the election by different experts, such as academics, show that Russian meddling did, in fact, play a role in his election.

Contrary to popular belief, Trump has never shown much interest in investigating whether or not Russia had a part in his election. We can’t help ourselves but ask: why didn’t he?

This means he has not only prevented any investigation into it but also removed from office a number of authorities who threatened to look into it, including former FBI director James Comey.

Donald Trump confessed that his concerns about Russia were a factor in his decision to fire FBI Director Comey, making him just the 2nd president in American history to do so; the 1st was the former head of the country, Bill Clinton, who fired FBI Director William Sessions on July 19th, 1993.

…Who did you vote for in 2016? Tell us in the comments!

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One Response

  1. I do not see anything wrong with anything he done. If any other president, Clinton, Obama. Biden, was investigated from the first day they became president they would show much the same or more things that they done. The only thing that the swamp wants is Trump out of power. He knows what everyone in the swamp has done over the years and they are all afraid that he will “spill the beans.”
    Trump has done nothing any worse than Biden and family are doing now.

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