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8 Shocking Things Donald Trump Did (and We Can’t Get Over)

Donald Trump
Photo by Evan El-Amin from

4. He was impeached

You have to be really in your head and do something that is absolutely bad and unacceptable to be impeached, such as being intimate with a much lower-ranking employee and then lying about it. However, Donald Trump really knew what to do to be officially impeached.

A few weeks after the war in Ukraine emerged, the former head of state pressured the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter and threatened to cut off funds to the country if he didn’t.

As you can imagine, he was charged due to his actions, but the Republican majority in the Senate said that Trump was not guilty at all. However, if you want to be sure about the things that happened, the public is allowed to review the material for themselves.

…Did you know about his episode? What are your thoughts on this?

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One Response

  1. I do not see anything wrong with anything he done. If any other president, Clinton, Obama. Biden, was investigated from the first day they became president they would show much the same or more things that they done. The only thing that the swamp wants is Trump out of power. He knows what everyone in the swamp has done over the years and they are all afraid that he will “spill the beans.”
    Trump has done nothing any worse than Biden and family are doing now.

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