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8 Shocking Things Donald Trump Did (and We Can’t Get Over)

Donald Trump
Photo by Evan El-Amin from

2. He refused to release his tax returns

It seems like our former president, Donald Trump, didn’t want to release his tax returns. Even people on Twitter said that they were curious to know if the politician was actually hiding something, and they claimed that the population has the right to know.

However, his former lawyer said that Donald Trump doesn’t make that much money, so they were probably more forgiving when they made deductions from his pay. Moreover, the lawyer said that the politician is more likely to face even greater legal trouble if his tax returns are made public.

The official even added that if the tax return was made public, his greatest fear would come true: a whole bunch of accountants and forensic accountants would tear through it, and he would wind up with a huge tax bill, penalties, fines, and potentially even tax fraud. We have no idea what to say about this. Do you?

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One Response

  1. I do not see anything wrong with anything he done. If any other president, Clinton, Obama. Biden, was investigated from the first day they became president they would show much the same or more things that they done. The only thing that the swamp wants is Trump out of power. He knows what everyone in the swamp has done over the years and they are all afraid that he will “spill the beans.”
    Trump has done nothing any worse than Biden and family are doing now.

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