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8 Shocking Things Donald Trump Did (and We Can’t Get Over)

Donald Trump
Photo by Joseph Sohm from

1. He hired his inexperienced family members in the government

There are many politicians who want to have their families closer to them when they get in charge, so they end up hiring them, although they might not have any political experience.

This is exactly what happened in Donald Trump’s case. As soon as he moved into the White House as president of the United States, his family members quickly joined him.

So, as you can probably imagine, members of the president’s extended family were quickly given important high-level jobs. For example, the president’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared have been named special advisers, a position that is very broad but guarantees that they will have a lot of influence in the US government.

At the 2019 G20 conference, for instance, Ivanka Trump attempted to socialize with international leaders, but not a lot of people appreciated her initiative. However, they weren’t discouraged by similar events like this, and it hasn’t prevented her or any of the other Trumps from achieving political success.

…The next one made us wonder why Donald Trump wants to have secrets!

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One Response

  1. I do not see anything wrong with anything he done. If any other president, Clinton, Obama. Biden, was investigated from the first day they became president they would show much the same or more things that they done. The only thing that the swamp wants is Trump out of power. He knows what everyone in the swamp has done over the years and they are all afraid that he will “spill the beans.”
    Trump has done nothing any worse than Biden and family are doing now.

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