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80% of Americans DON’T KNOW These Historical Facts

Photo by SSV.Photo from Shutterstock

7. George Washington borrowed money to attend his first inauguration

We all know who George Washington was and how he put his mark on American history, but few people know that he had to borrow money to attend his first ceremony as president. Despite owning land, he didn’t actually have any cash on hand. As a result, Washington was forced to borrow 600 pounds from an Alexandrian banker.

The money allowed Washington to go to New York City to take the oath of office while also leaving Mount Vernon “free from burdens.” George Washington made many stops and was greeted by onlookers on his week-long journey from Virginia to New York. On April 30th, 1789, he crossed the Hudson River in great style, arriving in New York City at Federal Hall, where a multitude had gathered to watch his inauguration.

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3 Responses

  1. They could have said what year the USA acquired Alaska.
    Also, that Hawaii was annexed to the USA several years after the Hawaiian kingdom was overthrown by American citizens.

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