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5 Shocking Stories About John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

Photo by Suzette Leg Anthony at Shutterstock

The assassination of JFK is probably one of the most haunting and controversial events in American history. It all happened on November 22, 1963, and since then, it has sparked countless theories and conspiracies.

A large number of Americans believe in various conspiracy theories about his death, and we are about to discuss the ones that are the most popular.

For example, 61% of Americans think that there were multiple people involved in Kennedy’s assassination. Also, over the course of years, more than 3,600 classified documents were made public. Can these documents help us debunk all of the myths and rumors?

We don’t know this yet, but one thing is for sure: all of us want to decipher this mystery. The death of President Kennedy is probably one of the biggest enigmas of the century.

In the meantime, stay with us and discover some of the most fascinating and incredible theories about JFK’s assassination.

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