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World History

disaster expensive
World History

The 10 Largest And Most Expensive Mistakes In History

We all know by now that the brightest minds in the world have made some brilliant feats of engineering, and we should be thankful for all the things that we now call “normal” because someone once thought about them hard

World History

9 History Facts so Weird They Seem Fake (But Aren’t)

History classes were undeniably very interesting, but all of our teachers wanted to make us keep in mind details like important years and dates, and most of them were just hard to remember. While it’s important for every citizen to

female assassins
World History

7 History’s Most Gruesome Female Assassins

A lot of times we associate the word “murderer” with a man, but throughout history there were plenty of female assassins who, in fact, were far more dangerous than men. Since the beginning of time, women have had lower social

medical treatments
World History

8 Most Bizarre Medical Treatments in History

What do paraffin wax, lobotomy, and mummy powder all have in common? They are part of an era when medicine was more of an art than a science (for better or for worse). The history of medicine is filled with

World History

7 Amazing Animals That Played a Key Role in WWII

Did you know that animals played an important role in a lot of wars, especially in WWII? It should come as no surprise that animals were active during any type of war, and armies have used them as part of

World History

7 Shocking Things About Hygiene in Ancient Egypt

Did you know these facts about Egyptian hygiene in ancient times? All research made by archeologists, historians, and anthropologists has proven over the years just how advanced the Ancient Egyptians were. And this also included their approach to personal hygiene!

World War
World History

10 Little-Known Facts About World War II

Do you remember all these World War II facts from history lessons? While World War II has been one of the most covered and spoken about world events, there are a lot of facts that people either forget or are

World History

10 Amazing Ancient World Facts That Will Surprise You

How many things do you know about the ancient world? Despite the fact that technology wasn’t a thing back in the day, the ancient world had a lot to offer. Sure, the population had a lot of weird traditions and

World History

8 Accidental Inventions People Are Crazy About

…What’s your favorite invention? Believe it or not, many of the tools we use to treat illness, prepare food, and bring joy into our lives were created by accident. They were more of a fortunate coincidence and we are beyond

World History

5 Shocking and Odd Beauty Trends from the Past

Did you think that only the modern age has weird beauty trends? Every historical era had its own beauty standards and trends that people followed. When we look at the ones we see nowadays, it is easy to dismiss them