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American History

American History

8 Most Notorious and Dangerous Killers In the USA

It is no surprise that society has always been captivated by serial killers and their twisted minds. That’s why there have been a lot of TV shows, documentaries, and even podcasts that present the most horrific crimes in the country

American History

8 Weird Historical Events That Actually Happened

Most of the events on the following list actually happened at some point in history, despite the fact that the majority of them sound like old wives tales meant to scare people and make them run away from the history

Civil War
American History

8 Weird Facts About the US Civil War That Made Us Wonder

A major conflict in US history was obviously the Civil War, which is by far the most dreadful chapter in the nation’s story that shaped our country as we know it in the present. But how much does everybody know

Civil War
American History

Top 6 Most Important Civil War Sites in the US

Take a glance at our list and see how many Civil War sites you’ve been to! The bloodiest battle on American soil, the American Civil War, was fought between the Union and Confederate states. Initiated by the election of Abraham

American History

Gangster History: 6 Female Mafia Heads You Should Know About

Have you ever wondered if there were any women gangsters that are as feared as their male counterparts? There is a certain morbid curiosity that we all have when it comes to talking about gangsters that have been immortalized over

American Immigrants
American History

5 American Immigrants Who Contributed To The World

As our 35th President of the United States, himself the product of Irish Catholic immigrant stock, rightly pointed out, “Every American who has ever lived, with the exception of one group, was either an immigrant himself or a descendant of

Gangsters History
American History

6 Most Notorious Gangsters In US History You’ve Never Heard Of

The US has had a long and less than illustrious history with gangsters and the criminal underworld. From the rise in crime in the 20s and 30s, brought about by Prohibition, this infamous period would give birth to notable mobsters

winter picture
American History

7 Rare Vintage Photos of What Winter Really Looks Like

Do you remember what winters used to look like? How from towards the end of November we were likely to get a blizzard that would bury the whole town under a blanket of snow? Those good old days are gone.

Dog Breeds
American History

The Origins Of These 12 Popular U.S. Dog Breeds

The human race has had a long history with dog breeds, and although there is still a debate about exactly when we domesticated dogs, the general consensus between researchers is that it likely happened between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago.

Geniuses Inventions
American History

11 Geniuses Who Never Made Money Off Their Inventions

Many geniuses out there made money from their innovative and world-changing inventions. However, imagine if you had created something that is being used by millions, if not billions of people across the globe, but you don’t see a dime for