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5 U.S. Cults So Terrifying We Can’t Get Over Them

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

#3 Children of God

A Christian missionary named David Berg relocated to Huntington Beach, California, in the 1960s to recruit young folks after learning of the city’s large hippie community. He found it easy, and the hippies were soon drawn to his anti-establishment viewpoint.

In order to allow the group to dwell collectively in Berg’s home, several gave up their employment and contributed their savings. When Berg allegedly had a revelation stating that California would be struck by an earthquake, they relocated to Arizona. Members started addressing Berg as “Moses” and their group as “the Children of God.”

Berg preached a style of worship that blended the teachings of Jesus Christ with the free love era of the 1960s. The Children of God church was founded on the principles of communal living, fervent proselytizing, and remote communes.

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One Response

  1. I found this article to be very well written, with fascinating revelations!
    It is a little disappointing, however, that there is no mention of the Jonestown massacre. Any information about James Jones’ cult is excluded.

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