5. Debra Brown and Alton Coleman
The last serial killer couple on our list was formed by Debra Brown and Alton Coleman. Both of these people had some problems, but when they got together, things started to get even weirder and more dangerous. They were considered by many as being violent and twisted, and in a few seconds you’ll discover why.
After meeting Debra, Colman, who had previously been arrested for maltreatment and served his sentence, began their killing spree across the state. 8 people were assaulted and murdered by them in a brief span of 1984. The first victim was a 9-year-old child, whom they treated badly and then took his life away.
Following that, they fled the country and carried out their barbaric practices there as well. They have assaulted children while traveling, as well as kidnapped, robbed, and killed everyone else that was standing in their way.
In 2002, Alton Coleman was executed, while his partner, Debra Brown, was sentenced to 140 years in jail. As experts say, if she had operated alone, she would have been among the most outrageous female serial killers of the 20th century.
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