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The 6 Most Brutal Rulers in World History

Brutal Ruler
Photo by wolffpower at Shutterstock

Brutal Ruler: Joseph Stalin

This brutal ruler was the leader of the Soviet Union between 1927 and 1953 and was a Georgian Revolutionary.

Though some of his policies weren’t outright evil, the things he did to implement them and maintain power at the expense of political opponents are nothing short of monstrous.

He ruled the Soviet Union for 26 years as the “General Secretary Of The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the “Chairman of the Council Of Ministers.” He enforced quick industrialization and collectivization in the 1930s.

And his ideas didn’t go over very well, causing millions to die due to starvation in labor camps. By his orders, millions of peasants were either killed or permitted to starve to death.

Stalin was the cause of more than 20 million deaths while holding the Soviet Union in an iron grip for a whopping 29 years. There was also the famous “Great Purge” of the Intelligentsia.

Overall, we can say that Stalin exercised more political power than any other historical figure in time.

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One Response

  1. Attila is revered in Hungarian history books. I even have a biography of him buried somewhere on my bookshelves, though I can’t find it not. Title: Attila, King of the Huns, by Patrick Howarth. Terrifying conqueror: Yes, and I would have hated to be in his path. But the true Hungarians are the descendants of the Huns who settled in that region.

    How is Nebuchadnezzar seen by his conquered states? The Jews revile his memory. Same for Vepasian and his general, Titus, who destroyed the second temple of the Jews. But in general, the history books don’t seem to see them as anything worse that conquerors consolidating their rule.

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