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9 American First Ladies Who Weren’t Married to the President

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See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

5. Harriet Lane

Prior to Jackie Kennedy, few first ladies truly captured the public’s attention like Harriet Lane. She was the niece of James Buchanan, who is known to be American only lifelong bachelor president. In 1857, Harriet took up residence in the White House and instantly won a mass of admirers for her youthful good looks and magnetic personality.

Women eagerly recreated her inauguration outfit — a low-cut gown featuring a garland of flowers — and she was an inspiration for a lot of things, from popular songs to baby names. During a period when the civil war was just about to start, the “Democratic Queen” reanimated the Buchanan administration by hosting popular dinner parties and redecorating the White House.

Like many modern first ladies, Harriet also took on an outreach project that was meant to improve the conditions on Indian reservations. She would remain socially involved even after her uncle left office in 1861.

Among many other philanthropic works, Harriet Lane helped establish a children’s clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

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