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Famous Figures

America's first ladies
Famous Figures

9 American First Ladies Who Weren’t Married to the President

Do you know that First Ladies don’t actually have to be married to the President? The first lady’s job is almost as essential as her presidential husband’s. Sure, she doesn’t have the exact same level of decision-making power, but her

Famous Figures

7 Surprising Foods American Presidents Served at US Dinners

Are you curious about what foods used to be served at the White House parties?  Official state dinners at the White House, in which the sitting president hosts queens, kings, and heads of state from around the world, are usually

Famous Figures

Did You Know About These 8 U.S. Presidents’ Love Affairs?

What do you think about our country’s presidents? I don’t know what your thoughts are, but when I think of our country’s leaders, I think of strong men who deeply love America and only want what’s best for it. I

Famous Figures

History’s 6 Most Vicious Sibling Rivalries

The sons of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, were the first brothers in our history, and from what we know, they didn’t get along that well. So, it’s clear that sibling rivalry has existed since the beginning of time.

Famous Figures

7 Famous American Painters That Put Their Mark on History

Even if the 20th century was the peak for American painters, a lot of them became famous in the 19th century. The majority of American artists were influenced by English paintings, and the first well-known art movement was Realism, which

adolf hitler
Famous Figures

Adolf Hitler: 6 Facts That Will Give You Goosebumps

There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler is probably the most infamous and grim figure in world history. The entire planet was significantly impacted by the deeds of this German politician of Austrian descent, but not in a good way.

Wild West
Famous Figures

4 Wild West Outlaws Who Wreaked Havoc Across America

What defines the Wild West?… Train robberies? Shootouts? Cattle rustling? Horse stealing?  The frontier was a mix of indigenous populations, newly arrived immigrants, and fourth-generation colonists. It was a period when businessmen and farmers worked side by side. A time when

Famous Figures

8 Most Powerful Mob Bosses of All Time

Who was the most dangerous mob boss of all time? Eternalized in many significant films like The Godfather or Goodfellas, mob bosses have long sparked the public’s curiosity. But, behind these fictional characters were real bosses at the helm of

Famous Figures

Queen Elizabeth II: 8 Funny Facts You Didn’t Know About Her

What do you think about Queen Elizabeth II? Queen Elizabeth II was one of the most loved royal figures in the world. She reigned over the United Kingdom and the countries that are part of the Commonwealth for 70 years.