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Who Was the Father of the Atomic Bomb (and Why Did He Do It)?

father of the atomic bomb
Photo by Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

He was suspected of being a spy for the Soviet Allies

Soon after he arrived at the secret governmental laboratory to be in charge of the Manhattan Project, his security clearance was denied. This happened mostly because he was suspected of having connections with the Communists. For some, these accusations seemed weird and unusual, but not many knew that he was close to some people who were members of the Communist Party.

He was never involved in the party; in fact, he denied any affiliation with it because his main goal was to teach at the University of California. However, even if he wasn’t a Communist, he supported causes that brought him closer to them. Oppenheimer expressed his strong dislike for Nazism and provided aid to Jewish friends and scientists in Germany to help them escape from the Nazi regime.


One Response

  1. I was under the understanding that Robert Oppenheimer regretted his involvement in making the bomb after it’s use against Japan.

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