While environmental and public health advocates agree that Trump is the worst President ever, history shows that other presidents could also claim this title. Who do you think is the worst American President in history?
Whether you agree that Trump is the worst President or not, one thing is sure: Trump’s presidency has experienced its fair share of ups and downs. Two impeachments, the criticized handling of the pandemic, and various scandals have left a lasting mark on his time in office.
Although Trump’s years in office were marked by a perpetual sense of tumult and crises, he did achieve several significant policy changes and initiatives. Some examples are lowering the corporate tax rate and aiming to stimulate economic growth. Trump also shifted U.S. foreign policy in several ways, creating more stability in the Middle East and avoiding conflicts with other countries.
Trump’s accomplishments were supported and criticized, but calling him the worst President in history may be exaggerated. Ultimately, deciding who is the worst or best President is subjective and depends on individual values, priorities, and political beliefs.
Trump is not the first president to be highly controversial and polarizing and is unlikely to be the last. Throughout history, several other presidents have been regarded as the worst due to their character or performance. Here is a list of five presidents who, according to historians, performed worse than Trump.

5. Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding was the 29th president of the United States, serving from 1921 to 1923. However, his brief administration left little lasting significance, and shortly after his death, a series of scandals caused the Harding presidency to be viewed as one of the worst in American history.
The most infamous scandal of his presidency was the Teapot Dome bribery scandal. It involved high-level officials, such as his Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall, who was accused of bribery and unlawful leasing of federal oil reserves. This incident was the most significant stain on his presidency, and it caused him to lose public trust.
Instead of restoring America to the promised, Harding spent significant time on golf, poker, and extramarital affairs. Harding seemed unprepared for his role. He often demonstrated a hands-off leadership style, frequently deferring to his advisors.
Although his administration experienced some economic growth, his policies primarily benefited the wealthy and created economic differences that hinted at the upcoming Great Depression. In the end, Harding’s presidency is often associated with scandals and ineffectiveness, causing many historians to consider him one of the least effective presidents in American history.
4. William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the United States and was often seen as one of history’s least effective leaders. This is mainly because of his brief presidency. He did not accomplish much during his 31 days of service, which he mostly spent severely ill.
On March 4, 1841, William Henry Harrison delivered a two-hour inaugural speech in the cold drizzle, without gloves or a coat. The cold he contracted on inauguration day progressed into pneumonia, and he died 31 days later.
It’s unfair to criticize someone just because they were sick, but if we have to compare a president’s achievements, Harison didn’t achieve much. His administration struggled to create a clear agenda and had limited policy implementation time. Although he never got the chance to implement his strategies, his policies included economic growth, and he wanted to address issues concerning Native American tribes.
Many view Harrison’s presidency as a missed opportunity. He goes down in history as the president with the longest inauguration speech and how he quickly died from how he delivered it. It may not be fair, but his lack of judgment, which led to his death, puts him on the list of the worst presidents in history.

3. Franklin Pierce
Franklin Price came to office during a difficult time with growing tension between the North and the South. He was the 14th president of the United States and is known as one of the worst presidents due to his failure to handle the growing agitation surrounding slavery and his controversial policies. Pierce’s policies and how he handled escalating conflicts ultimately led to the Civil War.
Pierce encouraged Congress to pass the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, which gave Kansas and Nebraska the liberty to determine their position on slavery. This has escalated into bloody regional fighting between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups.
Pierce’s incompetence was also evident in his handling of foreign policy. After his attempt to purchase Cuba from Spain failed, he suggested taking the island by force. Fortunately, this did not happen, mainly because anti-slavery advocates viewed the annexation of Cuba as a means to produce a new line of enslaved people. To prevent further escalating conflicts, Pierce’s administration denied these allegations.
Franklin Pierce’s presidency is largely considered a failure. He could not unify the nation and missed opportunities to de-escalate conflicts and divisions that anticipated the Civil War. He wanted to run for a second term, but the Democratic Party denied him their nomination.
2. Andrew Johnson
If Franklin Pierce was the President before the Civil War that, had not excelled, Andrew Johnson was the post-war President who could have done a better job. Andrey Johnson went down in history as one of the worst presidents due to his policies in a fragile state of Reconstruction after the Civil War. He was the 17th president of the United States and came into office after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Johnson faced the challenge of uniting a divided nation and encountered significant obstacles in rebuilding the South. He granted pardons to anyone willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. Still, Johnson required Confederate leaders and wealthy individuals to obtain special presidential pardons. Although he made efforts to reconcile with Southern white citizens, he allowed the enforcement of Black Codes, which restricted the rights and freedoms of freed African Americans. His actions contributed to a legacy of racial discrimination and violence that impeded the advancement of civil rights.
Johnson was the first President to be impeached, escaping removal by just one vote. He served out his term and departed Washington despite a damaged reputation. Years later, he tried a political comeback and was elected to the Senate, but he passed away soon after. His policies and actions left a legacy of racial discrimination and obstacles to civil rights, ensuring his status as one of America’s least effective presidents.

1. James Buchanan
Historians generally agree that James Buchanan was the worst president in United States history.
Buchanan was the 15th president of the United States and is infamous for failing to address the escalating tensions that led to the Civil War. Conflict actions marked his presidency, and at times, his lack of action increased sectional tensions to the point that the Union dissolved.
Buchanan strongly supported slavery, and throughout his political career, he backed policies that reflected this stance. He tried to balance Northern and Southern interests carefully but alienated both factions. His endorsement of the pro-slavery Lecompton Constitution in Kansas was incredibly controversial, as it aimed to admit Kansas as a slave state despite strong opposition from many settlers. This decision increased tensions and contributed to more violence.
Buchanan’s legacy is marked by disastrous decisions that only aggravated the crisis and pushed the country closer to war. Read Robert Strauss’s The Worst President Ever: James Buchanan to learn more about his failures.
Determining the worst American president is a complex and subjective debate shaped by personal viewpoints and historical circumstances. While many criticize Donald Trump for his chaotic time in office, others contend that different leaders were more detrimental.
If you enjoyed reading this article, also read: Unbelievable! These 10 US Presidents Were Pro-Slavery.