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Kennedy Assassination: 7 Tales From the Hospital Where He Died

Victor Hugo King, who placed the photograph in the public domain (presumably when he gave it to the Library of Congress)., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

2. Matter of Life and Death

Immediately after the fatal headshot, Jackie Kennedy can be seen climbing onto the back of the convertible. Shockingly, she was actually trying to retrieve a large piece of her husband’s skull and brain. She was also able to collect additional parts of tissue from the limousine floor and seat.

Arriving at Parkland, Dr. Marion Jenkins was the one charged with saving JFK’s life. According to the doctor’s daughter, Kennedy’s blood was dripping down her father’s pants and into his shoes. “My father began administering resuscitative drugs and manually squeezing oxygen into the president’s lungs”, Christie Jenkins recounts.

Unfortunately, the team realized the head wounds were so massive that JFK just couldn’t survive. That’s when Jackie. full of hope, handed Dr. Jenkins the pieces of her husband’s head she’d collected.

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6 Responses

  1. It is so sad the first a Great President was assassinated , and that his would be killer killed, so that no one would really know who was responsible for this tragedy even after all these years

  2. Regardless of circumstances these many years later, still the biggest travesty in our wonderful country’s history. Beyond sad…power politics greed and ultimately murder of one of the most caring and brilliant man in the world. Johnson really wanted that Presidency and look what he did. Despicable.

  3. Thank you for this information that i am pretty sure no one really knew That was a day that I REMEMBER WAS HORRIBLE. That was a day for History and it was History.

  4. i REMEMBER THAT DAY LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. The next 3 days were like everyone in the world was surrounded by fog. The TV proceedings were in Black and White because the colored TVs were very expensive. I really truly believe that it was the first time in my life that the TV stations were on all night. Back then most stations were only broadcasting until 1:00 am. It had just been a few months earlier that we had all as families gathered to watch the intervention of the US and Russia deal in Cuba. Tensions were high, and almost everybody we knew had thought that the assassination was directly related to the Cuba incident. Tensions were high and everyone thought we were going to go into a nuclear war with Russian. I had read a story later in life that in fact it had almost happened, but there was a senator from I believe North Dakota that had a cooler prevailing thought, and he along had saved the earth from nuclear devastation. Trying times for a man who loved by many, many Americans and still to this day.

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