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Area 51: 8 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know

Area 51
Photo by DreamcatcherDiana at Shutterstock

Time Travel

Of all the scientifically improbable scenarios fiction has bestowed upon our consciousness, nothing is quite as fascinating as time travel.

And allegedly, the US government has already dipped its toes into the unclear water of time travel, as numerous “man out of time” images have shown us. Whether this technology is due to a captured alien craft or simply giant scientific leaps by the US Military is up for debate.

Still, Los Alamos physicist Robert Lazar has gone on the record about a briefing given at Area 51. Lazar said about the so-called Project Galileo, “My NSA contact confirmed that the government has succeeded in time travel but also considers it a dangerous technology.”

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17 Responses

  1. I grew in Boulder City, Nevada about 20 miles from Las Vegas and when I was in high school, an area North of Las Vegas was used as an Atom Bomb testing site – the are was known as the Nevada Test Site. There were times when our high school would gather in the high school football stadium to watch the mushroom clouds form from the testing. And today the Nevada Test Site which is the northern fringe of the Nellis Range, measuring 625 sq mi (1,620 km2. Tonopah Test Range is located about 70 miles (110 km) northwest of Groom Lake, the home of the Area 51 facility. And supposedly there is still areas that are affected by the nuclear tests conducted there.

  2. I believe that they have been affected by something. But working there must be a risk worth taking! If not they could quite?

  3. I have always the government will get rid of you one way or the other? So ! Take the money and run. Forget everything.

  4. Hmm, the government can warn you crossing into Area 51 is a restricted area, no trespassing, may be met with deadly force. Doesn’t that sign belong on our southern border? We know there is 5 million plus alien encounters in last 2 years and growing!! We know these alien encounters exploded under Obama and continue on steroids with Biden. What are they going to do if 500,000 CCP decide to enter across our southern border? Nothing, just ask Kamala (code for come all in). Over 100,00 dead from Fentanyl thanks to democrats and their drug cartel brethren, more deaths than 10 years in Vietnam. Where’s Hanoi Jane? Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life here.

  5. My mother, who is 89, swears that nobody went to the moon, they just went over behind a bunch of rocks and made a movie. women’s intuition or Facts. Why has it been so hard for them to duplicate this later?

  6. I’d like to read about area 51, and not 100 different stupid apps and programs. I don’t think I’m going to go on.

  7. I don’t believe the moon landing was staged in Nevada in 1969. But I do think Area 51 will always be a hot topic for discussion.

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