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Top 6 Most Important Civil War Sites in the US

Civil War
Photo by Walt Bilous at Shutterstock

Antietam Battlefield

Antietam Battlefield is where, on September 17th, 1862, General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia faced Major General George B. McClellan and the Army of the Potomac in what became the most vicious battle of our American Civil War.

The Battle of Antietam remains the country’s bloodiest single day of battle to date. The Battle at Antietam raged on for over twelve hours as part of the Maryland Campaign and the Confederate Army’s first invasion into the North.

It ended with a Confederate withdrawal only after a prolonged, inconclusive, mutually destructive day’s combat. The total loss for both sides was estimated to be over 23,000 casualties.

Today, Antietam Battlefield National Park monumentalizes this battle and is a goldmine of knowledge about the Civil War. With so many activities and tours, you could technically spend days here.

No matter which of these historic Civil War locations you choose to go to, you’ll be sure to get a very knowledgeable view of the past. Just be sure to grab your comfortable walking shoes, stay hydrated,…and don’t forget to grab your camera for some memorable shots!

And for some interesting historical facts, we recommend you also read: Gangster History: 6 Female Mafia Heads You Should Know About

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5 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for this informative article. We will be travelling through these areas in the next few months. Will bring this list with us for sure.

  2. Surely, Appomattox is a must visit and would bump Palmito from your list of “to seven”. Anyone reading Lincoln’s words that guided General Grant’s terms of surrender will think long and hard on the struggle this nation faced during Reconstruction and the bitter cost of this war.

  3. Mom was born in Keedysville, just a few miles from Antietam. We went there often when visiting uncles, cousins, and other family. Uncle lived in Boonsboro, just a mile or so from the gates of Antietam. One friend’s house is the backdoor to the battlefield and burial site. Across the street from the cemetery is where most of them are buried now.

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