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7 Rare Vintage Photos of What Winter Really Looks Like

vintage winter photo
Image Courtesy of Pinterest

Elsa would be jealous

If you ask us, this picture is just beautiful. And truly, Elsa would be jealous. It does serve to show our kids that there were ice castles before Disney came up with the multibillion industry that Frozen ended up being. But the story behind this picture is even more amazing than you could ever imagine.

It was taken in Berlin, New Hampshire in 1908, more than a century ago, and it is hard to believe that the building had been on fire before this picture was taken! The firefighters had to douse it with water to put the fire out, but the upcoming harsh cold (it was under 20 degrees that day!) made it freeze. Thus, this ice castle, full of quite dangerous icicles, was formed.

You have to admit it makes for one gorgeous sight. Too bad we’re not able to see it today!

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6 Responses

  1. I live in Srilanka. We never go through winter as in European countries. However, while I am writing this note Srilanka is unusually Misty and Cold from early morning (8/12/22). As per the information received the mist is due to accumulated dust in the Indian atmosphere. Citizens have been advised to wear a good mask before they leave their homes to avoid catching a cold. This reminds me of the Covid19 days. How long will this last be anybody’s guess.

  2. The good old days?? You no longer have snow?? Well, that’s what happens when you move from Massachusetts to Florida! I don’t know what kind of bs you are peddling, but in my part of the country, we still have snow, like always in the winter. There’s nothing “good old days” about it. Every winter, it snows, as usual.

  3. Back in 2007 or 2008 we had a blizzard in Chicago, and it took me over 4 hours to go roughly 35 miles from workplace St Charles to home in Oswego. Accumulation was over 3 feet, and it took me most of the following day to dig out my driveway. Not quite as bad as the photos you showed, but then I had no National Guard to help me shouvel, either!

  4. They are AWESOM PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It really does show what Snow look like then.
    And when the Snow first fell, It was as White coud be, and it look STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I remember The Blizzard of 1978!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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