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Search Results for: war

World War
World History

10 Little-Known Facts About World War II

Do you remember all these World War II facts from history lessons? While World War II has been one of the most covered and spoken about world events, there are a lot of facts that people either forget or are

kennedy president
American History

7 Brave Presidents Who Were War Heroes

7 Presidents Who Were Also Exceptional War Heroes Even if the military experience wasn’t required for a presidential role, the resumés of 26 American Presidents included this kind of service. But it is true that the title of “commander in

World War
World History

World War II: 7 Sobering Facts About a War That Changed History

See the darkest sides of World War II below! Less than 25 years after World War I threatened the world with total destruction, the human race once again saw itself collapsing into another crisis of unparalleled proportions. World War II

Cold War spies

Cold War: 6 Traitorous Spies and Their Incredible Stories

Do you know that Queen Elizabeth II’s art curator was a Soviet spy? Cold War Moscow was unlike any other place in the world. The KGB, the ever-present eyes and ears of the dreaded Soviet secret police, was everywhere. The

World History

World War II: 10 Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Do you know any myths about World War II? War is one of the most tragic things that can happen on our country’s territory. It kills thousands of people, it leaves families feeling down and in grief, it brings couples

Civil War
American History

8 Weird Facts About the US Civil War That Made Us Wonder

A major conflict in US history was obviously the Civil War, which is by far the most dreadful chapter in the nation’s story that shaped our country as we know it in the present. But how much does everybody know

Civil War
American History

Top 6 Most Important Civil War Sites in the US

Take a glance at our list and see how many Civil War sites you’ve been to! The bloodiest battle on American soil, the American Civil War, was fought between the Union and Confederate states. Initiated by the election of Abraham

american history
American History

6 Common American History Misconceptions

What are the biggest lies of American history? We’ve all been there: sitting in a classroom where all the information was presented as irrefutable facts and we had no choice but to memorize it. Always the same linear narrative, but

historical event
American History

7 Shocking Historical Events Worse Than This Year’s Elections

Let’s talk about all the historical events worse than this year’s elections! There’s no doubt that this year’s elections are pretty intense. From the harsh debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump to the hundreds of messages Biden received urging

baby boomers
American History

Baby Boomers: 12 Huge Historical Events That CHANGED A Generation

The baby boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, is known to have undergone profound change. They experienced the craziest events, from the dawn of the Civil Rights movement to the Vietnam War and the famous Moonwalk. This cohort reshaped