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8 Chilling Photos Nobody Can Explain to This Day

chilling photos
Credits: Unknown

3. The face on Mars

On No. 3 on our list of photos that nodoby can explain, we have one that has been stirring many conspiratorial theories.

What do you see in the photograph above? Some believe it’s a face—definitely a bizarre one. Others claim it’s an anomaly that looks like one of the Great Pyramids. To make the whole debate even more mysterious, this is a picture of Mars. While it originates from 1976, it’s still one of those photos that nobody can explain.

It was taken by NASA when its first aircraft reached Mars. It was the Viking I Orbiter that took it, immortalizing something strange that looks like a human face embedded in an enormous mountain. NASA released other photographs to show that it was only the perspective that made it look like a human head.

But the face isn’t the only thing in the picture that seems to indicate the existence of intelligent life. What about the weird structures that look like pyramids? NASA has never come up with a satisfactory explanation.

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