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12 Bizarre and Repulsive Practices from the Past

practices from the past, history
Photo by leoks from Shutterstock

11. Toothaches? Just apply a dead mouse into your mouth to soothe the pain

Applying a recently murdered dead mouse right into the mouth was a normal remedy for toothaches in ancient Egypt. Mice were utilized to treat a wide range of illnesses and were revered as “Givers of Life.” An actual mouse would be sliced, and the patient’s gums would be covered with half of the still-warm animal when the patient had a toothache.

If you are interested in reading more about other practices from the past, especially the ones from Ancient Egypt, you should check out this book. Ancient Egypt: 500 Interesting Facts About Egyptian History allows you to discover the mysteries of ancient Egypt with five hundred fascinating facts.  It’s available on Amazon in various formats, and the prices are between $8 to $17. 

12. Shaved eyebrows? Replace them with mouse fur

Back in the day, fashion was a bit extreme, and both women and men would do anything for the sake of it just to look younger, thinner, and more distinguished in the eyes of society. In Georgian England, for instance, ladies would catch and skin mice, then glue the fur to their faces as a substitute for their shaved eyebrows.

Ladies I bet you were better off with your eyebrows but who am I to judge?!

If reading about these bizarre practices from the past made you curious for more, you may also enjoy reading about 8 Weird Foods That Were Considered “Junk” in Medieval Times

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