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John F. Kennedy: 6 Incredible Facts Few People Know

Photo by NOOR RADYA BINTI MD RADZI at Shutterstock

#1 JFK Won A Pulitzer Prize

At the age of 22, Kennedy authored his first book, “Why England Slept.” After some time, in 1956, “Profiles of Courage” was published. This second book is a compendium of eight United States Senators’ brief biographies detailing actions of bravery and integrity. The book features senators who disobeyed their party and voters to do what they thought was right, only to face strong criticism and loss of favor as a result.

Despite the fact that it was not one of the candidates sent to the Pulitzer Prize board by the selection committee, “Profiles of Courage” won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 1957. Since then, there has been a never-ending debate regarding how much of the novel was ghostwritten by Kennedy’s assistant. 

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